None | Ashley | Kaidan | Liara | Garrus | Jacob | Kelly | Thane

Name Danielle Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-10 02:01:39
Gender / AlignmentFemale Renegade
Level / Class 28 Infiltrator
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
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Mass Effect 1:
-Romanced Liara, stayed faithful
-Ashley is alive
-Wrex is alive
-Anderson is on the Council
-Shiala is alive
-Punched the reporter
-Did the colonist exclusive quest, talked Talitha down

-Completed both Liara quests
-Conrad Verner was not there
-The Rachni Queen is alive and her spokeswoman was in Illium
-Did not do the N7 missions
-Data from the N7: Lost Operative Quest was kept

-All team members recruited including Zaeed and Kasumi
-Kasumi's greybox was destroyed
-Morinth was killed
-Garrus was allowed to kill Sidonis
-Kal'Reegar survived
-Tali was not exiled with Intimidate
-Did not encourage Quarians either way
-Genophage cure destroyed, Maelon killed
-Heretic Geth indoctrinated
-Niket was killed by Miranda and she spoke to her sister
-Jacob's father killed
-Thresher maw killed during Grunt's Rite
-Jack killed the man trying to restart the project
-Thane's son working for Capt. Bailey
-Hostages died in Zaeed loyalty
-David was released in Overlord
-Did not attempt to save the Batarians in Arrival

Omega 4 Relay:
-All squad members are loyal and survived the mission
-All of the kidnapped crew was saved

-Cosmetic surgery was obtained but not used
-Patriarch quest done on Omega
-Took the Widow anti-material sniper rifle on the Collector base
-Punched the reporter again
-Helped Chawkwas, Mass Sergeant Gardener, and Gabby and Ken in the Normandy
-Helped Gianna Parasini

Image(with Paragon/Renegade bars):

Name Hisso Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-06 14:46:34
Gender / AlignmentFemale Renegade
Level / Class 30 Adept
Background Colonist / Ruthless
Romanced Liara
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
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Mass Effect 1:
-Romanced Liara, stayed faithful
-Ashley is alive
-Wrex is alive
-Original Council from ME1 with Anderson on the Council. This resulted in Shep being reinstated as a Spectre.
-Shiala is alive
-Punched the reporter
-Did the colonist exclusive quest, talked Talitha down

-Completed both Liara quests
-Conrad Verner was not there
-The Rachni Queen is alive and her spokeswoman was in Illium
-Did not do the N7 missions
-Data from the N7: Lost Operative Quest was kept

-All team members recruited including Zaeed and Kasumi
-Kasumi's greybox was destroyed
-Morinth was killed
-Garrus was allowed to kill Sidonis
-Kal'Reegar survived
-Tali was not exiled with Intimidate
-Did not encourage Quarians either way
-Genophage cure destroyed, Maelon killed
-Heretic Geth indoctrinated
-Niket was killed by Miranda and she spoke to her sister
-Jacob's father killed
-Thresher maw killed during Grunt's Rite
-Jack killed the man trying to restart the project
-Thane's son working for Capt. Bailey
-Hostages died in Zaeed loyalty
-David was released in Overlord
-Did not attempt to save the Batarians in Arrival

Omega 4 Relay:
-All squad members are loyal and survived the mission
-All of the kidnapped crew was saved

-Cosmetic surgery was obtained but not used
-Patriarch quest done on Omega
-Took the Widow anti-material sniper rifle on the Collector base
-Punched the reporter again
-Helped Chawkwas, Mass Sergeant Gardener, and Gabby and Ken in the Normandy
-Helped Gianna Parasini

Name Eve Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-09 00:18:56
Gender / AlignmentFemale Renegade
Level / Class 30 Engineer
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Collector Base Given to Cerberus
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
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This is ME2 continuation of ME1 Eve Shepard (save form this site, I am not its original uploader, credits for ME1 save go to him/her).

Copy/pasting info from ME1 save

"Rachni Queen: Released.
Conrad Verner: Showed a gun in his face.
Asari Diplomacy sidequest: Completed.
Thorian: Let the Asari live.
helped Parasini arrest Anolias.
Helena Blake allowed to run her crime syndicate.
Fist tried to stop a bullet with his head.
Nirali Bhatia's body released to her husband

Bring Down the Sky: YES - saved the hostages
Pinnacle Station: YES - Got the appartment.

Virmire: Asari researcher let go.
Garrus encouraged to be more renegade.
Got the trinket from the consort and used it."

In ME2 Eve went completely renegade, with a few paragon choices for story purposes. This is a save from playthrough with all DLC available for ME2, with all side, bonus quests completed and all planets explored, all squadmates survived, all loyal.

Completed both Liara's quests pre-Shadow Broker
helped Conrad Verner
Rachini Queen's Asarai spokeswoman was present on Ilium (talked to her)
All N7 missions completed
In the N7: Lost Operative Quest kept the data for myself

Kasumi: kept the graybox
Samara/Morinth: killed Morinth
Garrus: Sidonis killed
Kal'Reegar survived
Tali wasn't exiled from the Migrant Fleet
Encouraged Quarians to go to war with Geth
Kept Genophage Cure (Mordin's mission)
Killed heretic Geth
Let hostages in Zaeed's mission (e.g. Vido is killed by Zaeed)
Overlord: David released
Arrival: didn't warn Batarians
Parasini helped again
Miranada: encouraged to stay in contact with sister, Niket killed
Collector's base not destroyed (e.g. given to the Cerberus)
Stayed loyal to Liara, didn't romance anyone else though Kelly's dance achieved.

Name Megan Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-20 00:52:51
Gender / AlignmentFemale Renegade
Level / Class 30 Infiltrator
Background Earthborn / Ruthless
Romanced Liara
Collector Base Given to Cerberus
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
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Major ME1 Stuff:

- Liara "Faithful"
- Ash is alive
- Wrex is alive
- Original Council
- Anderson is on council


- Everything for Liara completed.
- Shot Conrad Verner on Illium
- Rachini Queen's Asarai was on Illium
- All N7 missions complete other then forged id's (Couldnt get the lady to show up.)
- N7: Lost Operative- Kept Data

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Everyone Recruited/loyal and alive
- Kasumi destroyed Greybox
- Morinth killed Samara
- Let Garrus kill Sidonis
- Kal'Reegar survived
- Tali was not exiled
- Kept Genophage Cure
- Indoctrinated the heretic Geth
- Let hostages die on zaeeds loyalty
- Turned David over to cerberus
- In arrival did not try to warn batarians

Omega 4 Relay:
- Everyone Alive including crew and loyal.

Name Jane Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-25 13:50:40
Gender / AlignmentFemale Renegade
Level / Class 30 Engineer
Background Earthborn / Ruthless
Romanced Liara
Collector Base Given to Cerberus
Casualties Samara
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
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- Kaidan alive.
- Wrex is alive.
- Human-council.
- Udina on the council.
- Romanced Liara still faithfull.
- Rachni Queen dead.

- Did both Liara's quests in Illum pre-Shadow Broker.
- Conrad is alive did renegade option with his problem.
- Rachni queen dead.
- All N7 missions completed.
- In the N7: Lost Operative Quest i kept data for myself.

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Recruit all team members (Including Zaeed, Kasumi)Also Legion.
- (Kasumi Loyalty) Grey box destroyed.
- (Samara Loyalty) Killed Samara.
- (Garrus Loyalty) Killed Sidonis.
- (Tali Recruitment) Did the renegade option with Kal'Reegar. But he survived.
- (Tali Loyalty) Tali not exiled..
- (Tali Loyalty) Encouraged the war with the Geth.
- (Mordin Loyalty) Destroyed data Genophaged cure.
- (Legion Loyalty) Killed Geth.
- (Zaeed Loyalty) Let hostages die.
- (Overlord)Did not release him.
- (Arrival) Contact Joker. No warning to the Batarians.

Omega 4 Relay:
All team members alive.
The whole crew dead including Dr.Chakwas.

Name Yukiko Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-28 22:46:56
Gender / AlignmentFemale Renegade
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Earthborn / Ruthless
Romanced Liara
Collector Base Given to Cerberus
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
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Almost entirely Renegade playthrough of ME1 and ME2. May have missed some minor quests in ME1, but I don't remember for sure. All quests and DLCs in ME2 completed. Only major Paragon choice made was to release David in Project Overlord (hit the wrong button, didn't feel like reloading).

I retrained Yukiko's powers and didn't allocate them before saving, so you will have all your points to spend at the start of ME3.

Used custom hair and eyes (see Vyolet Shepard face on, which do not import properly, so you may want to adjust hair style and eye color.

Major ME1 Stuff:
- Romanced Liara
- No additional romance in ME2, renewed Liara romance in Shadow Broker DLC
- Ashley alive
- Wrex alive
- Original Council perished on Destiny Ascension
- Anderson promoted to Council

- All Liara quests completed
- Conrad Verner not present
- Rachni Queen dead
- All N7 missions complete
- N7: Lost Operative Quest, kept data for self

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- All team members recruited, all team members loyal
- (Kasumi Loyalty) Greybox kept
- (Samara Loyalty) Morinth killed
- (Garrus Loyalty) Sidonus killed
- (Tali Recruitment) Kal'Reegar survived
- (Tali Loyalty) Tali not exiled via Intimidate
- (Tali Loyalty) encouraged Quarians to continue the war with the geth
- (Mordin Loyalty) kept Maelon's Genophage Cure
- (Legion Loyalty) killed heretic Geth
- (Zaeed Loyalty) let hostages die
- (Overlord) released David
- (Arrival) Did not attempt to warn the Batarians

Omega 4 Relay:
- All crew survived
- Collector Base saved for Cerberus

Name Anka Shepard
Date Added 2012-04-09 15:38:35
Gender / AlignmentFemale Renegade
Level / Class 30 Sentinel
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Collector Base Given to Cerberus
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
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Mass Effect 1:
-Romanced Liara, stayed faithful
-Kaidan is alive
-Wrex got killed by Ashley
-Saved the Council
-Anderson is on the Council
-Shiala is alive
-Punched the reporter
-Captain Kirrahe survived

-Completed both Liara quests
-motivated Conrad Verner to help
-The Rachni Queen is alive and her spokeswoman was in Illium
-Saved the colonists from Zhu's Hope

-All team members recruited including Zaeed and Kasumi
-Kasumi: kept the greybox
-Samara: Morinth was killed
-Garrus: killed Sidonis
-Tali: was not exiled (Renegade)
-Mordin: Genophage cure destroyed, Maelon killed
-Legion: Heretic Geth destroyed
-Miranda: Niket was killed by Eclipse and Miranda spoke to her sister
-Jacob: turn his father into prison
-Grunt: Thresher maw killed
-Jack: killed the man trying to restart the project
-Thane: his son works for Capt. Bailey
-Zaeed: Hostages died in Zaeed loyalty, Zaeed got his revenge
-Kal'Reegar survived
-encouraged Quarians not to fight the Geth
-David was released in Overlord
-Did attempt to save the Batarians in Arrival

Omega 4 Relay:
-All squad members are loyal and survived the mission
-All of the kidnapped crew was saved

-Cosmetic surgery was obtained and used
-Patriarch survived on Omega
-Helped Chawkwas, Mass Sergeant Gardener, and Gabby and Ken in the Normandy
-Helped Gianna Parasini
-Full Renegade, 3/4 Paragon

Name Katelyn Shepard
Date Added 2013-03-17 20:17:31
Gender / AlignmentFemale Renegade
Level / Class 30 Vanguard
Background Colonist / Ruthless
Romanced Liara
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
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Major ME1 Stuff:

-Romanced Liara, stayed faithful (rekindled in Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC)
- Ashley is alive
- Wrex is alive
- Original Council
- Anderson is on the Council.
-Extra ME1 Stuff:
-Shiala is alive
-Rana Alive
-Completed Luna Base mission
-Helped Wrex get his family armor
-Garrus killed salarian doctor
-Punched reporter
-Scanned ALL the keepers, made Chorban and Jahleed work together
-Saved Kirahee and his men
-Saved Zhu’s Hope (Completed all missions)
-Destroyed Cerberus bases
-Met Conrad Verner, shoved a gun in his face
-Helped Jenna out of Chora’s Den
-Completed Consort quest
-Met Nassana, killed her sister

- Completed Liara's hacking quests, Liara killed her assistant
- Met with Conrad Verner, shot him in the foot, helped his solve the “red-sand" case
- Rachni Queen's Asari was present, spoke with her.
- Did some N7 quests
- N7: Lost Operative: Gave intel to the Alliance

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Everyone recruited, loyal, and survived suicide mission
- (Kasumi Loyalty) Destroyed the Greybox
- (Samara Loyalty) Killed Morinth
- (Garrus Loyalty) Garrus killed Sidonus
- (Tali Recruitment) Kal'Reegar lives
- (Tali Loyalty) Charges dropped, intimidated.
- (Tali Loyalty) Vocally disapproved of war against the Geth
- (Mordin Loyalty) Genophage cure kept
- (Legion Loyalty) Rewrote Geth
- (Zaeed Loyalty) Hostages died
- (Overlord) N/A
- (Arrival) Attempted to warn the Batarians

Omega 4 Relay:
- Everyone loyal, and lived to tell the tale.
- Kidnapped crew survived

Lair of the Shadow Broker: continued romance with Liara, mentions blue babies
Arrival: Tried to warn Batarians, agreed to go to Earth for trial

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