None | Ashley | Kaidan | Liara | Jack | Kelly | Miranda | Tali

Name Marcus Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-08 23:49:35
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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Major ME1 Stuff:
No ME1 romance.
Saved Ashley.
Wrex is alive.
Original dumb Council's still alive (this better pay off in ME3).
Anderson is Councilor.

Completed both of Liara's quests.
Helped Conrad Verner (I think I got the Asari arrested).
Spoke to Rachni Queen's gopher.
Completed all N7 missions (saved the residential area in the Javelin missile one).

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions:
All teammates (Zaeed included) recruited.
All teammates loyal.
Morinth killed.
Sidonis lives (Harkin was kneecapped, though.)
Kal'Reegar survived.
Tali exonerated via speech.
Encouraged Quarians (including Zal'Koris vas Qwib-Qwib) to seek peace with Geth.
Saved Genophage cure data; Maelon survived.
Rewrote heretic Geth.
Let hostages die. The extra 10% damage for my Revenant was worth it.
Convinced Bailey to let Thane's son do community service.
Let Aresh live.

Omega 4 Relay:
All crew members survived.

Mostly Paragon choices, though a few Renegade options and interrupts just for laughs.
Used the ME1 Marcus Shepard save (also found on this site).
Exact same save as the one above, except this one's with a Miranda romance.
Also forgot to mention this in the save above, but I used the infinite-points glitch to max out all my talent points. And I used a trainer to get more credits/minerals. This was my 7th run; scanning planets got really tedious by this point.

Name Chris Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-12 14:29:58
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Sentinel
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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Major ME1 Stuff:
- Ashley is still alive.
- Wrex is alive.
- Saved the council in ME1.
- Udina is on the Council.

- Completed both of Liara's quests.
- Helped Conrad Verner.
- Met Rachini Queen's Asarai spokeswoman on Illium.
- Did all N7 missions (scanned every planet).

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions:
- Got all team members (Including Zaeed).
- (Samara Loyalty) Killed Morinth.
- (Garrus Loyalty) Garrus let Sidonus go.
- (Tali Recruitment) Kal'Reegar survived.
- (Tali Loyalty) Tali was not exiled from the Floatilla.
- (Tali Loyalty) Encouraged the Quarians to consider a cease fire.
- (Mordin Loyalty) Mordin kept the Genophage Cure.
- (Legion Loyalty) Rewrote the heretic Geth.
- (Zaeed Loyalty) Saved the hostages & encouraged Zaeed to be more Paragon.

Omega 4 Relay:
- Everyone survived (everyone loyal)
- All of the kidnapped crew survived.

Did almost all Paragon options. However there is some Renegade due to the fact I did some Renegade cut-scene actions.

Had a romance with Miranda, however played it so that you can have a romance with Tali if you just go and break it off with Miranda. This will immediately lead to a romance with Tali.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-13 04:31:21
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Given to Cerberus
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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ME1 stuff:

-Ashley romance
-Ashley on Horizon
-Wrex Live and kicking
-Council alive
-Anderson on council

ME2 stuff:

-Zaeed on board and he is Good aka we saved hostages
-Samara loyal and his child taken care off
-Garrus loyal and we let Sidonis live
-Tali loyal not exiled, cease fire with geth, net exiled from Floatilla, Kal'Reegear alive
-Legion loyal and heretics indoctrinated
-Mordin loyal genophage cure saved for more research

-Rest of team members loyal
-kidnapped crew alive

- Arc heavy weapon last DLC included in this save
-all planets explored
-Missing only 5/5 from heavy pistol
Save uploaded by Nostress

Name Blake Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-13 14:02:32
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 25 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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A bit over 80% Paragon and 20% Renegade.
Almost always on the moral side, hit all Paragon interrupts but no Renegade interrupts ever used.

Major ME1 Stuff:
No ME1 Stuff. Freshly created character from ME2.

- Completed both of Liara's quests
- No Conrad
- No Rachni
- All N7 quests are done.

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions:
- Zaeed not recruited. All other team members recruited and loyal, Jack not loyal (that dispute with Miranda).
- Killed Morinth. Samara is on the team.
- Garrus Killed Sidonis. He had it coming.
- Kal'Reegar survived.
- Tali not exiled from the Floatilla, rallied the crowd.
- Encouraged the Quarians to consider cease fire
- Saved Genophage Cure for later use. Saved that salarian scientist.
- Destroyed the heretic Geth. Can't risk having them waging war again, no?

Omega 4 Relay:
- Done all loyalty quest, but lost Jack's. All survived.
- All crew lives.

Side note: All upgrades done: weapons, Normandy...Everything. Explored every world. Done all sidequests.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-13 20:12:03
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Given to Cerberus
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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All Loyalties Complete
All upgrades gained
Crew Saved
Paragon choices throughout (Except Zaeeds loyalty)
All Side Quests complete,Some however were completed post endgame.
Loyalty missions:
Miranda: Let Whats his face go anbd get shot by the Asari, made her talk to the sister.
Jacob: Father in prison
Zaeed: Renegade (extra assault rifle dmg)
Mordin: Let live, Results Saved
Garrus: Didn't shoot Fade, did shoot the traitor.
Grunt: Maw Killed, Other clan guy killed.
Jack: Let the crazy guy go.
Samara: Turned the volus dude over to the cops, killed the merc girl, Morinth dead.
Thane: Son doing community service for Cpt.Bailey
Tali: Veetor sent to fleet, Kal Reegar (SP) lived, Charm used (IE evidence kept secret)Told all the admirals i thought war was unwise.
Legion: Heretics destroyed (despite it not being the official paragon option brainwashing them seems more wrong than genocide....probably kinder maybe)

If anyone needs it I can also upload a save just prior to the suicide mission which will allow you to dump Miranda and take any other romance option.

ME1 Choices that Effect ME2

- Rich Yes

- Full Paragon
- max Paragon
- Childhood choice Spacer
- Reputation choice Sole War Hero
- Purchased Elkoss Carbine license.

Party Members:
- Garrus recruited Yes
- Wrex recruited Yes
- Garrus is Paragon
- Tali side quest done Yes
- Romanced someone Yes
- Romanced Ashley

- Dr. Chloe Michel blackmailer Persuaded
- Asari Consort sidequest done Yes
- Interview outcome Apologize
- Had first conversation with The Fan (Conrad Verner) Yes
- The Fan last conversation outcome Paragon(Stay at home)
- Harkin talked to Yes(tied in to Garrus recruitment)
- Accepted quest from Chorban to scan Keepers Yes All Scanned
- Jahleed quest outcome (Chorban) Scared off
- Fist outcome Let go
- Talked to your mom after talking to Lieutenant Zabaleta Yes(Spacer background ONLY,Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things)
- Citadel: Homecoming Body returned to Samesh Yes
- Helena Blake Alive or dead? How did you treat her? persuaded to give up crime.

Feros: -
- Number of colonists killed 0
- Colony outcome Good
- Possessed Asari (Shiala(Thorian plant)) Freed

- Gianna Helped(evidence handed over)
- Han Olar talked to Yes
- Rachni Queen released Yes

- Wrex Lives (Charm)
- Geth Flyers disabled Yes(Captain Kirrahe saved or not)
- Psyrana dead No (Asari assistant in one of the labs let go or not inside the facility)
- Rescued Ashley

- Old Council Saved
- Choice for new council Anderson
- Game complete Yes

- UNC:Hostile Takeover Persuaded to disband gang
- Slaver Asari quest outcome (Killed Sister) Yes
-?UNC: Lost Module, - the silver sphere you find on that planet that has 3 pages of text"
-?UNC: Cerberus Heard of Cerberus Yes (ie did you do UNC: Missing Marines leading to this quest or not.
- UNC: Hostage Chairman died No
- UNC: Dead Scientists Convinced Corporal Toombs to lower weapon

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-17 16:22:57
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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Major ME1 Stuff: (If you didn't import a save, please just indicate that.)
-Did you have a romance in ME1 that was cheated on? If so, who? Yes, Ashley
-Is Kaidan or Ashley still alive (who did you meet on Horizon)? Ashley
-Is Wrex alive? Yes
-Is the Council the original Council from ME1 or the Human-council? Original Council
-Is Anderson or Udina on the Council? Anderson

- Complete both of Liara's quests? Yes
- Help Conrad Verner so he opened the Shelter, or were mean to him so he died? opened the Shelter
- Was the Rachini Queen's Asarai spokeswoman present on Illium (ie are the Rachini still alive)? Allive
- Did you do some, all or none of the N7 missions? Some

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions:
- Did you get all team members (Including Zaeed)? If not, who was left behind or left early? got all
- (Samara Loyalty) Did you kill Morinth or Samara? kill Morinth
- (Garrus Loyalty) Did Garrus kill Sidonus or let him go? let him go
- (Tali Recruitment) Did Kal'Reegar survive? yes
- (Tali Loyalty) was Tali exiled from the Floatilla? no
- (Tali Loyalty) Did you encourage the Quarians to continue the war with the geth or consider cease fire? cease fire
- (Mordin Loyalty) What did you do with the Genophage Cure? own copy
- (Legion Loyalty) Did you kill or indoctrinate the heretic Geth? indoctrinate
- (Zaeed Loyalty) Did you save the hostages & encourage Zaeed to be more Paragon or let them die? save the hostages & encouraged Zaeed

Omega 4 Relay:
- Did you NOT do someone's loyalty quest, yet they survived? If so, who? did all loyalty quests
- Did all, some or none of your kidnapped Crew (Kelly, Chakwas, Donnley etc.) survive the Omega 4 Relay? Please sum up who, if anyone lived/died. chakwas lived

Name Jones Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-25 11:27:40
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Earthborn / Ruthless
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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Major ME1 Stuff:
-Romanced Ashley in ME1, cheated on her in ME2
-Ashley still alive
-Wrex still alive
-Council survived, chose Anderson

- Both Liara quests completed
- Helped Conrad, opened shelter
- Rachni still around, talked to their Asari
- Did part of the N7 missions, can't remember, but I know I did the Prothean Artifact mission

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions:
- Got all team members, including Zaeed, all loyal
- Kept Samara, killed Morinth
- Let Garrus kill Sidonis
- Did Kal'Reegar survive? Kal'Reegar alive
- Tali not exiled
- Encouraged the Flotilla to strive for peace
- Made Mordin keep the Genophage data
- Destroyed the Hertics station
- Saved the hostages on Zaaed's mission

Omega 4 Relay:
- all survived, team members as well as crew

Name Aidan Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-30 12:28:35
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Sentinel
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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Major ME1 Stuff:
Romanced with Ashley
Ashley is alive
Wrex is alive
Original Council is alive
Picked Captain Anderson for a seat in Council

Completed both of Liara's quests
Helped Conrad Verner so he opened Shelter.
Speaked to Rachini Queen's asari spokeswoman
None of N7 missions done (Because there must be a fun with playing a save file from this site.)(ME3 isn't released i'll put a new one when game is relaesed)

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions:
Get all members (Including Zaeed)
(Samara Loyalty)I killed Morinth
(Garrus Loyalty) Garrus let Sidonis go
(Tali Recruitment) Kal'Reegar survived
(Tali Loyalty) Tali was not exiled from flotilla
(Tali Loyalty) Encourage the quarians to consider cease fire
(Mordin Loyalty) I kept the Genophage Cure for later use.
(Legion Loyalty) Indoctrinate the heretic geth
(Zaeed Loyalty) Save the hostages & encourage Zaeed to be more Paragon-like

Omega 4 Relay:
All team members survived
From crew only Dr.Chawkas survived (I still don't understand why)

PS : I used talent point and mineral hack because it was my 8th play and i bored of those things:)

Name Vulcan Shepard
Date Added 2010-04-01 05:36:27
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Sentinel
Background Colonist / Ruthless
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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Used SaberVulcan's character (from this site) as base (as I uninstalled my ME1 game which was pretty similar)
- Full Paragon character with some Renegade
- All N7 missions completed.
- All items purchased/found. Skin repair unit installed and used. 5/5 on Assault rifle.
- All armor upgrades purchased. Also had Terminus and Cerberus DLC items; had all 3 Dr.Pepper items: Sentry Interface, Recon Hood, Umbra Visor.
- Around 100K of credits and over 30-60k on everything.
- Saved Kelly.

Major ME1 Stuff:
- Romanced Miranda (cheated on Ashley).
- Kaidan is dead.
- Wrex is alive. Leader of clan Urdnot.
- Council from ME1 was destroyed. Anderson on the Council. Sheppard reinstated as a Spectre.

- Completed both of Liara's quests.
- Was renegade with Conrad Verner in ME1. This time treted him nicely , and made him believe he did good with the sting operation.
- Rachni Queen's Asarai spokeswoman was not present on Illium (Rachni are extinct).
- All team members (Including Zaeed) survived. Jackob was sent back with the crew and Garrus led both teams. Tali was tech, and Jack Psy. Miranda and Thane final mission and Miranda quit Cerberus.
- (Samara Loyalty) killed Morinth.
- (Garrus Loyalty) Let Sidonis go.
- (Tali Recruitment) Kal'Reegar survived.
- (Tali Loyalty) Tali was not exiled from the Floatilla.
- (Tali Loyalty) Encouraged the Quarians to consider cease fire?
- (Mordin Loyalty) Kept the Genophage research and convinced Mordin not to kill his student.
- (Legion Loyalty) Indoctrinated the heretic Geth.
- (Zaeed Loyalty) Saved the hostages and paragon'd Zaeed to loyalty.

Omega 4 Relay:
- All loyalty quests completed. Entire crew was kept loyal and survived.
- All of the kidnapped Crew (Kelly, Chakwas, Donnley etc.) survived the Omega 4 Relay. The colonist was liquefied.

Chose the Shotgun skill.

All team lvl 30 with Miranda and Jacob having their extra 1 point.

Scanned everything in the universe (without probing most places).

Saved the city in the terrorist mission.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-04-03 02:41:54
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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Major ME1 Stuff:
Liara romanced
Kaidan is alive
Wrex is alive
Original Counsil
Anderson is on the council

Completed both of Liara's quests
Was nice to conrad:)
Rachni is alive
100% of game complete

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions:
All Team members recruited
Morinth is dead
Sidonis is dead
Kal'Reegar is alive
Tali not exiled from the Floatilla
Saved Genophage cure
Indoctrinated heretic Geth
- (Zaeed Loyalty) let the hostages die

Omega 4 Relay:
Did all loyaltie quests
Everyone survived

DLCs ive used on this save:
Alternate Appearance Pack 1 (Garrus, Thane, Jack)
Recon Hood (Dr. Pepper)
Umbra Visor (Dr. Pepper)
Incisor Sniper Rifle
Collectors' Weapon and Armor
Blood Dragon Armor
Zaeed - The Price of Revenge (Cerberus Network)
Cerberus Weapon and Armor (Cerberus Network)
Normandy Crash Site (Cerberus Network)
Cerberus Arc Projector (Cerberus Network)
Firewalker Pack (Cerberus Network)

Imported this from the ME1 Save from here: Named: John #12 Sheppard

Name Joe Shepard
Date Added 2010-04-10 16:42:54
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff: I imported the "John #6 Shepard"(GokieKS ME 1 save) and I thank him for his awesome save :)

-no romance in ME 1
-Kaiden is Alive
-Wrex is Alive
-saved the council
-Anderson is Council
- Dunno if I completed both Liara's quest sorry :S
- Help Conrad Verner so he opened the Shelter
- Was the Rachini Queen's Asarai spokeswoman present on Illium (ie are the Rachini still alive)?
- Did you do some, all or none of the N7 missions?

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions:
- Did you get all team members (Including Zaeed)? If not, who was left behind or left early?
- Killed Morinth
- Killed Sidones
- Kal'Reegar survived
- Tali wasn't Exiled from Flootila :)
- encourage the Quarians to consider cease fire?
- kept the Genophage Cure?
- indoctrinate the heretic Geth?
- save the hostages & encourage Zaeed to be more Paragon

Omega 4 Relay:
- Did ALL loyalty quests before going to the Omega 4 Relay
- all the Normandy Crew Survived

Everyone survived the Omega 4 Relay Suicide Mission

Thanks to Marwan for submitting this save!

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-04-23 18:34:14
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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I haven't played ME1. So, I haven't imported a ME1 character.

Comleted both of Liara's quests.

I did most of the N7 missions.(3 or 4 left for you to play... All right, I admit it, I missed them =))

I didn't get Zaeed.
I chose to keep Samara alive.
Garrus let Sidonis go.
Kal'Reegar survived.
Tali hasn't exiled and evidence about her fathers experiments kept as secret.

I encouraged quarians to consider cease fire. (Since I heard that whatever you throw at geth turns back as scrap metal from Kal'Reegar,and that there is this Reaper threat, I think I did the right thing)

Genophage cure attempts are kept.(I thought krogans can be used against Reapers)

I indoctrinated the heretic geth.(They might be useful against the Reapers)

All loyalty missions completed and conflicts between crew members resolved.(Everyone is loyal)

All crew members survived. I just rushed into the Omega4 relay(there were no assignments left, so I took my chances)

Posted by XGAMERX

Name Aidan Shepard
Date Added 2010-04-29 03:07:29
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
Download Save File
I played ME 2 with ME 1 save file from Zhijn.. Credits for Zhijn! Thanks for upload, man!

- Liara's quest were both completed
- Conrad Verner opened Shelter
- Rachini Queen's Asarai spokeswoman was on Illium
- All N7 Missions 100% completed before the IFF was installed

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions:
- All team members recruited including Zaeed and Kasumi Goto
- (Samara Loyalty) Samara killed Morinth
- (Garrus Loyalty) I let Sidonis go
- (Tali Recruitment) Kal'Reegar survived
- (Tali Loyalty) Tali wasn't exiled from the Flotilla
- (Tali Loyalty) Encouraged the Quarians to cease fire
- (Mordin Loyalty) Kept the Genophage Cure
- (Legion Loyalty) Indoctrinated The Heretic Geth
- (Zaeed Loyalty) Let the hostages die and Zaeed burned Vido
- (Jack loyalty) Encouraged Jack to release Aresh with paragon conversation
- (Jacob loyalty) His father was arrested by the Alliance
- (Grunt loyalty) Defeated a Thresher Maw
- (Kasumi Loyalty) COMPLETED!

Omega 4 Relay:
- I did all loyalty quests and ship upgrades, no team members died on Omega 4
- All Normandy crews survived

BIG THANKS FOR Rio Rossi for submitting this Shepard!

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-06-06 08:57:55
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
Download Save File
In ME1 I did all the quests paragon. I've collected all the insignias etc, family, cerberus... you name it it's been done as a paragon. Wrex Survived as did Kaiden. Anderson was chosen for Council Membership. Council survived. No romance.

In ME2 I've also done all the quests all in paragon except for the hacking request by liara that can only be done via renegade but i still did it. Spared Rachni Queen so representative was there. I was nice to Conrad so he opened a shelter. Everyone Lived after the suicide mission through the Omega 4 relay.

Full Paragon bar. No Renegade at all.

- Did you get all team members (Including Zaeed)? If not, who was left behind or left early?
- (Samara Loyalty) I killed Morinth
- (Garrus Loyalty) Talked to Sidonis and Garrus calmed down.
- (Tali Recruitment) Reager survived.
- (Tali Loyalty) Tali was cleared of all charges. She wasn't exiled.
- (Tali Loyalty) I advocated peace.
- (Mordin Loyalty) Stopped him from killing Maelon and saved the data on the genophage.
- (Legion Loyalty) Rewrote the Heretics.
- (Zaeed Loyalty) Saved the miners and convinced him to be more paragon.
- (Jack, Subject Zero's loyalty) Stopped her from killing that guy and blew the base.

Name Wacław Shepard
Date Added 2010-07-02 14:26:06
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 29 Soldier
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
Download Save File
- Romance with Ashley (cheated with Miranda)
- Ashley is alive
- Wrex was killed by Ashley (without permission)
- Council saved, Anderson is a councillor
- Fist and Finch died
- Rachni queen and Shiala survived
- Bring Down the Sky finished

- Completed both of Liara's quests
- Conrad opened the Shelter
- Rachni queen's asarai spokeswoman present on Illium
- Almost N7 missions completed
- Almost all side-quests completed

- All members were acquired
- Samara loyalty: killed Morinth
- Garrus loyalty: I don't remember...
- Tali recruitment: Kal'Reegar survived
- Tali loyalty: Tali not exiled from the Floatilla
- Tali loyalty: encouraged the cease fire
- Mordin loyalty: kept the genophage cure
- Legion loyalty: indoctrinated the heretic geths
- Zaeed loyalty: saved the hostages
- Kasumi loyality: kept the graybox

- All team and crew members survived

Installed all DLCs (even stuffs like Arc Projector, Equalizer Pack, Alternate Appearance Pack 1 etc.) released to the day (2nd of July 2010)
- Normandy Crash Site completed
- Zaeed loyalty completed
- Firewalker completed
- Kasumi completed
- Overlord installed, not completed

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-07-08 18:54:38
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
Download Save File
ME1 (Huge thanks to NAG3LT for this Shepard):

Gender/Alignment Male Paragon
Level/Class 60 Soldier
Background Spacer/War Hero
Romanced Ashley
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson

All side quests completed, except the one that requires 75% renegade;
Bring Down the Sky installed and completed, Engineers found, hostages saved;
Pinnacle Station not installed;
Saved the Rachni Queen;
Treated Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon);
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy side quest;
Allowed the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body;
Completed all the Feros Zhu's Hope water/food/battery quests. All 16 colonists were left alive;
Encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon;
Recruited all party members.

ME2 (That is my own):

Completed both of Liara's quests correctly;
Helped Conrad Verner, confronted the "officer" at Gateway Personal Defense;
Rachni Queen's Asari spokeswoman was present on Illium;
Completed all N7 missions (saved the residential area).

Recruitment/Loyalty Missions:
All teammates were recruited;
All teammates are loyal (all conflicts between the crew members were solved by means of paragon options);
Miranda: prevented from killing Niket, made to talk to her sister;
Jacob: sent father to prison;
Kasumi: completed the quest;
Zaeed: encouraged to be paragon, saved the hostages;
Mordin: helped everyone during the recruitment mission, assistant was saved (everyone in the room stayed alive), Maelon went away alive, the data was saved;
Garrus: prevented from shooting Fade (Harkin), R.I.P. Sidonis;
Grunt: giant worm and noisy krogan got killed;
Jack: let Aresh walk away alive, discussed some issues and destroyed the place (no sex, she reminded me of Britney Spears after drugs and alcohol, which is scary);
Samara: the volus got exposed, mercenary asari went away alive, didn't use renegade options to attract Morinth in the club, chose to kill Morinth;
Thane: Joram Talid is rescued, Thane reunites with Kolyat and tries to earn his forgiveness;
Tali: Veetor was sent back to fleet, Kal'Reegar survived, used paragon options to prevent the exile (IE evidence was kept secret), spoke with everyone in the hall and told all the admirals that the war would be unwise;
Legion: Heretics got brainwashed.

Omega 4 Relay:
No casualties (asked all crew members for possible upgrades and installed them);
Kidnapped crew survived (no delay after the mission where you play as Joker).

As paragon as it can be: Paragon/Renegade 1471/117, all side quests are completed (didn't use any renegade interruptions, all renegade points were received automatically, chose paragon actions and options everywhere except one quest, I delivered packages directly to Ish, which is considered to be a renegade option);
100% exploration, Overlord, Firewalker and Normandy Crash Site are completed;
Acquired Geth Pulse Rifle and chose M-76 Revenant.

Name Andrew Shepard
Date Added 2010-08-27 22:16:52
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Infiltrator
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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Mass effect 1 achievements:

-Let the Council die
-Saved the Rachni
-Did not complete Conrad Verner's quest in the first game
-General completionist otherwise
-Recruited all squadmembers
-Wrex survived
-Initially romanced Liara. Romanced Miranda in Mass Effect 2
-Mostly paragon
-Saved Feros
-Ashley killed on Virmire
-Let Balak go on Bring Down the Sky to save the hostages
-Helped Gianna Parasini
-Convinced Helena Blake to dissolve merc band
-Helped Talitha

Mass Effect 2, General info:

-Continued general paragon playthrough in second game
-Anderson on human-dominated Council
-Played as a completionist
-Saved David in Overlord
-Helped Gianna Parasini on Illium
-Helped Shiala with Feros colonists
-Met with Rachni messenger
-Fought for Patriarch
-Batarian bartender killed by turian
-Widow chosen as extra weapon on Collector Ship
-Conrad Verner quest in first game not complete, so he was no-show in second game
-Liara missions completed
-Chakwas', Engineers' and Gardner's side missions completed
-In Batarian missile mission, residential district saved
-Completed all Mass Effect 2 DLC as of 8/27/2010 (Other than alternative appearance).
-Romanced Miranda
-Saved everyone at the finale, including the crew

Mass Effect 2, Loyalty missions:

-All squadmates recruited and loyal
-Refinery in Zaeed Loyalty mission destroyed
-Tali not exiled. Quarians convinced to not go to war with Geth
-Kal-Reegar survived, Veetor left to go to Migrant fleet in game beginning
-Sidonis in Garrus' mission spared
-Thresher Maw in Grunt's mission killed
-Brainwashed Geth in Legion's mission
-Morinth killed, Samara alive in her loyalty mission
-Saved graybox in Kasumi mission
-Saved data in Mordin mission. Thaelon still alive

Other info:
-Character name should be "Andrew Shepard", but may show up as placeholder name "David Shepard". I had him renamed through the save editor. It shows up on my comp as Andrew, but just in case it happens, you're aware of why.
-Has twenty extra talent points, which were added through save editor. The downloader can do as they wish with these.

Name Marko Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-08 00:19:27
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Mordin
DLCs (Unknown)
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff:

Did not cheat
Kaidan Alive
Wrex Alive
Original Council
Anderson on Council

Completed only the first of Liara's Quests
Helped Conrad
Rachini Queen's Asarai spokeswoman present on Illium
Did almost them all N7 Missions
Didn't complete N7: Lost Operative Quest

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
Recruited Zaeed, not Kasumi.
(Samara Loyalty) Killed Morinth
(Garrus Loyalty) Let Sidonus go
(Tali Recruitment) Kal'Reegar survived
(Tali Loyalty) Tali not exiled.
(Tali Loyalty) I believe i told the Quarians to consider cease fire.
(Mordin Loyalty) Saved Genophage Cure for purpose of ME3.
(Legion Loyalty) Rewrited the heretic Geth data.
(Zaeed Loyalty) I didn't took this mission I did only recruited him and quited for a new playthrough.

Omega 4 Relay:
Everyone survived, thank god for YouTube.
Everyone on the crew survived Omega 4.

Name Jack Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-16 13:20:24
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Vanguard
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Mass Effect 1:
-Romanced Ashley
-Saved Ashley
-Wrex is alive
-Original council saved
-Anderson is in the council
-Saved the Rachini Queen

Mass Effect 2:
-Did Liara's quests
-Helped Conrad Verner
-All side quests completed
-N7: Lost Operative Quest data given to

-All team members recruited including Kasumi and Zaeed
-Greybox was kept (Kasumi Loyalty)
-got Machine pistol (Kasumi Loyalty)
-Saved Samara (Samara Loyalty)
-Let Sidonus go (Garrus Loyalty)
-Kal'Reegar survived (Tali Recruitment)
-Tali is not exiled (Tali Loyalty)
-Told Quarians to not go to war
(Tali Loyalty)
-Genophage Cure kept (Mordin Loyalty)
-Rewrote the heretic Geth (Legion Loyalty)
-Saved the hostages and encouraged Zaeed to be more Paragon (Zaeed Loyalty)
-Released David (Overlord)
-Attempted to warn the Batarians (Arrival)

Omega 4 Relay:
-Everyone survived the Omega 4 Relay including the crew (Dr Chakwas,Gabby etc.)
-All Loyalty missions done, all Companions
are still alive

Appearance: Default Shepard
-All DLC downloaded (more weapons,armor,outfits..etc) except for Cerberus Weapon and Armor
-Collected all cabin items,sadly fish died
-Upgraded everything to the fullest
-Only talked Paragon throughout the game
-Explored everywhere possible

A truly perfect save :)

Name Leon Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-17 03:51:21
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff:
-Romanced Ashley
-Ashley alive
-Wrex alive
-Original Council saved
-Anderson is the Councilor

-Completed both of Liara's quests
-Helped Conrad Verner
-Spoke to Rachni Queen's spokesman
-Completed all the N7 missions
-In the N7: Lost Operative, sent the data to the Alliance

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC:
-All teammates (Zaeed and Kasumi included) recruited
-All teammates loyal
-Morinth killed
-Sidonis lives
-Kal'Reegar survived.
-Tali exonerated via speech.
-Encouraged Quarians to seek peace with Geth.
-Saved Genophage cure data; Maelon survived.
-Rewrote heretic Geth.
-Saved the hostages and convinced Zaeed to be more Paragon
-Convinced Bailey to let Thane's son do community service.
-Let Aresh live.
-Convinced Miranda to talk to Oriana
-Left Jacob's father to be arrested by the Alliance
-Killed the Thresher Maw
-Let Kasumi keep the Graybox data
-Overlord: released David
-Arrival: tried to warn the Batarians

Omega 4 Relay:
-All crew members survived.

-Did all the side missions in Mass Effect, completed all of them with Paragon choices.
-Saved the Rachni, saved Zhu's Hope. Chose Paragon route for everything.

Name Ian Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-21 12:22:29
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / Ruthless
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Mass Effect 1 Variables -
- No romance
- Kaidan lives (but after Horizon, I wanted to shoot him)
- Wrex lives
- Saved the council, so yes, it's the Original Council (want to shoot that Turian though)
- Anderson is on the council
- This character was played on an Imported File, which was Paragon. See Ian Shepard on the Mass Effect 1 saves list.

Mass Effect 2 Variables -
- Did all of Liara's jobs.
- Initially shot Conrad, but later persuaded him that the whole thing was a sting operation.
- Did EVERY sidequest. Not even one was omitted.
- Sent the Cerberus Data to Alliance Command.
- Rachni queen is alive
- Bought every upgrade
- All team members recruited (including Zaeed Massani and Kasumi Goto).
- ALL loyalty missions done.
- Kasumi kept her lover's Graybox.
- "Persuaded" Zaeed to let Vido Santiago escape, and let the hostages live.
- Samara lived, sold out that vampire-asari.
- Persuaded Garrus to let Sidonis live.
- Kal'Reegar lives.
- Tali was cleared of all charges (Paragon).
- Asked the Quarians to NOT go to war.
- Told Mordin to keep the Data on the Genophage Cure.
- Indoctrinated the Heretic Geth.
- Released David from the Cerberus eggheads.
- Did attempt to warn the Batarians, until that fool of a scientist interrupted the transmission.
- Omega 4 Relay mission was executed flawlessly. No deaths, either of Normandy Crew or Combat Crew. Ship was fully upgraded.
- Didn't punch that bitchy reporter (was sorely tempted to, however).

This Shepard was a Full Paragon. Only some Renegade points were had - and that's because of the interrupts.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-26 11:30:17
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Adept
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Zaeed
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff:
- Romanced no one
- Kaidan is alvie
- Wrex is alive
- The old Council is alive
- Anderson is in the Council
- The Rachni Queen is alive
- Conrad Verner was treated nicely

- Did all of Liaras Quests before completing Shadow Broker DLC
- Helped Conrad Verner
- Did some of the N7 Quests
- Did not complete Lost Operative Quest

- Did all Loyality missions except Zaeeds
- Tali and Legion are Loyal, Jack and Miranda are Loyal
- Kasumi: kept Greybox Data
- Samara: killed Morint
- Garrus: killed Sidonis, did not shoot Fade
Tali: Reegar survived, Tali loyal but not exiled, told Quarians to cease fire
- Mordin: Kept Data
- Legion: Indoctrinated Heretics
- Miranda: Let her talk to her Sister
- Jacob: put Father in Prison
- Jack: Let the crazy Scientist go
- Thane: Son does community work
- Overlord: Rescued David
- Arrival: Attempted to warn Batarians

Omega 4:
- All Team Members except Zaeed survived
S- aved half of the Crew (Kelly died, Donnely survived)

- This Charakter is full Paragon, with less than 20% Renegade

- Big Thanks to GokieKS for his ME1 Save (from this Site)

- ME2 save uploaded by T3rraC0tta

Name Marcus Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-29 23:13:32
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
- Saved council.
- Anderson is the human counselor.
- Helped tooms.
- Did not romance anybody.
- Ashley survived.
- Mostly paragon choices.
- Werx lived.
- Captain Kirih survived.

- Mostly paragon choices but a few renegade choices against the people who deserved it.
- Completed all loyalty missions.
- Everyone and all crew survive.

- Romanced Miranda. Told her to spare niket.
- Garrus Killed sedonas.
- Zaeed killed vido.
- Destroyed the graybox.
- Saved Mordin's assistant. (Omega and loyalty mission)
- Kept genophage data.
- Killed moranth.
- Help thane's son (community service)
- Jack spared aresh.
- Jacobs father was apprehended by the alliance.
- Geth heritics rewritten.
- Tali not exiled by using the paragon option.
- Told quarians not to fight geth.
- Stopped miranda and jack's fight with paragon option.
- Stopped Tali and Legon's fight with paragon option.
- Kept cerberus data for myself.
- Did the first of Liara's quest before shadow broker.
- Warned the batarians in arrival.
- Killed the thersher maw.
- Became patriarchs krant. On aria's good side I guess.

- Collecter base destroyed.
- Told Illusive Man to shove it.

Name Aidan Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-01 18:20:50
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 26 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Jack
DLCs Normandy Crash Site
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff:

Imported Zhijn's ME1 Save

- Cheated on Ashley
- Ashley still alive
- Wrex alive
- Original Council
- Anderson on the Counci

View Zhijn's ME1 Save for more ME1 info

- Did not complete both of Liara's quests in Illum pre-Shadow Broker
- Paragon action during Conrad's "sting" operation
- Rachini Queen's Asarai spokeswoman present on Illium
- Did not do any N7 Missions

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Didn't recruit Zaeed or Kasumi
- (Samara Loyalty) Killed Morinth
- (Garrus Loyalty) Killed Sidonis
- (Tali Recruitment) Kal'Reegar survived
- (Tali Loyalty) Tali not exiled from the Floatilla
- (Tali Loyalty) Encouraged the Quarians to consider cease fire
- (Mordin Loyalty) Kept a personal copy of Genophase Cure
- (Legion Loyalty) Indoctrinated the heretic Geth

Omega 4 Relay:
- Did Jack's loyalty quest, but pissed her off during argument with Miranda, never gained loyalty.
- Kidnapped Crew (Kelly, Gabby, Donnley etc.) survived the Omega 4 Relay

This save was uploaded by SonicBoom

Name Marc-Antoine Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-03 23:04:01
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Used John#6 Shepard by GokieKS (Brilliant save, sir!)

Major ME1 Stuff:
- No romance in ME1; romanced Miranda in ME2
- Kaidan alive (Regretting it now; Ashley pretty hot in ME3)
- Wrex alive
- Council survived
- Anderson on the council

- Completed both Liara's quests before Shadow Broker DLC
- Helped Conrad
- Rachni still alive
- Did ALL N7 mission (Better pay off; was tiring to do all these things)
- N7: Lost Operative data sent to Alliance

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Recruited and kept all team members including Zaeed and Kasumi
- Kasumi kept graybox data
- Killed Morinth
- Let Sidonis go
- Kal'Reegar survived
- Tali not exiled
- Encouraged Quarians to cease fire with Geth
- Mordin kept Genophage data
- Indoctrinated heretic Geth
- Saved hostages during Zaeed's loyalty mission; made him paragon
- Sent David to Grissom Academy (paragon choice)
- Attempted to warn the Batarians in Arrival

Omega 4 Relay:
- All loyalty quests done, all companions survived
- All Normandy crew survived

Special thanks to GokieKS for an excellent save. You Sir, are awesome.

This ME2 savegame made by Speirs

I kinda noticed that no one else made a Paragon Miranda-romance ME2 save with all N7 missions done so I decided to upload this. I checked the journal and the Mass Effect Wiki page, so I can proudly say that this has 100% completion on EVERYTHING :3

P.S. Please give credit where it is due :)

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-05 11:23:01
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
PURE Paragon play through (both in ME1 and ME2)

Major ME1 Stuff:
- Ashley is alive
- Wrex is alive
- original Council
- Anderson is in the Council?
- Paragon choices in just about every side mission

- Completed both of Liara's quests in Illum pre-Shadow Broker
- Helped Conrad Verner so he opened the Shelter
- Rachni Queen's Asari spokeswoman present on Illium
- Some/All N7 missions done
- N7: Lost Operative Quest - sent data to the alliance

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Recruit & kept all team members
- (Kasumi Loyalty) Kasumi to kept the greybox data
- (Samara Loyalty) Killed Morinth
- (Garrus Loyalty) Garrus let Sidonus go
- (Tali Recruitment) Kal'Reegar survived
- (Tali Loyalty) Tali was not exiled from the Floatilla
- (Tali Loyalty) Encouraged the Quarians to consider cease fire
- (Mordin Loyalty) Kept the Genophage Cure
- (Legion Loyalty) Indoctrinated the heretic Geth
- (Zaeed Loyalty) Saved the hostages & encourage Zaeed to be more Paragon
- (Overlord) Released David
- (Arrival) Attempted to warn the Batarians
Omega 4 Relay:
- All kidnapped Crew (Kelly, Gabby, Donnley etc.) survived the Omega 4 Relay

* All DLC that came out post-game were all done post-game.
* Some renegade prompts prior to a combat situation were done (Wrex loyalty mission, Miranda loyalty mission), others were igonred
* All paragon prompts were done

Submitted by WytPony

Name Alan Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-11 04:51:36
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Major Mass Effect 1 stuffs:

- Ashley is alive and romanced her
- Wrex is alive
- Captain Kirrahe on Virmire is alive
- Be good to Conrad Verner
- Rachni Queen is alive
- The original council is saved
- Anderson is on the council
- All choices are Paragon. Level 50 Shepard with lot of money

Major Mass Effect 2 stuffs:

- Completed both of Liara's quests in Illum pre-Shadow Broker
- Helped Conrad Verner so he opened the Shelter
- Rachini Queen's alive
- I did all N7 Missions
- N7: Lost Operative Quest -> Gave the data to Alliance

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Recruited & Kept all team members (including Zaeed and Kasumi)
- (Kasumi Loyalty) Told Kasumi to destroy Keiji's Greybox
- (Samara Loyalty) Killed Morinth
- (Garrus Loyalty) Garrus let Sidonis go
- (Tali Recruitment) Kal'Reegar survived
- (Tali Loyalty) Tali wasn't exiled from the Flotilla
- (Tali Loyalty) Encouraged Quarians to consider cease fire with The Geth
- (Mordin Loyalty) Let Maelon go and kept the genophage cure
- (Legion Loyalty) Indoctrinated the heretic Geth
- (Zaeed Loyalty) Abandoned the hostages and Zaeed killed Vido
- (Overlord) Released David Archer
- (Arrival) Warned The Batarians

Omega 4 Relay:
- Did all loyalty quests and everyone survived in Omega 4
- All my crews are alive

Name Andrew Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-13 07:19:17
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 53 Adept
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Download Save File
This is a Mass Effect 3 save file for new game+. I DL'd a ME 2 save file from this website for my playthrough. I would like to thank that person for submitting his save file.

Taking this save file:
- You can unlock the "secret ending" on your first playthrough.
- None of the decisions I made in my playthrough will affect you at all. The only decisions imported are from ME2
- You will not be able to change classes. You can only be an Adept.
- You will have about 400k credits to start.
- You will be able to rank up your weapons to level 10 (it caps at level 5 in your first play through)
- You will be level 53 at the start (the highest you can import from any ME 2 save file is level 30)

Just a FYI, the following decisions made zero difference:
- Whether or not you saved the council... the council members are the same people regardless (which are not the same council members from 1 or 2). It is still 1 Asari, 1 Turian and 1 Salarian, even if it was supposed to be a "human dominated council." There is 1 line of dialogue difference.
- Udina is on the council regardless. Even if Anderson was on the council for you in the 2nd game, Udina is on the council and no, there's absolutely no dialogue difference, nor any explanation.

Bellow is a copy and paste of the info from his post:
Mass effect 1 achievements:

-Let the Council die
-Saved the Rachni
-Did not complete Conrad Verner's quest in the first game
-General completionist otherwise
-Recruited all squadmembers
-Wrex survived
-Initially romanced Liara. Romanced Miranda in Mass Effect 2
-Mostly paragon
-Saved Feros
-Ashley killed on Virmire
-Let Balak go on Bring Down the Sky to save the hostages
-Helped Gianna Parasini
-Convinced Helena Blake to dissolve merc band
-Helped Talitha

Mass Effect 2, General info:

-Continued general paragon playthrough in second game
-Anderson on human-dominated Council
-Played as a completionist
-Saved David in Overlord
-Helped Gianna Parasini on Illium
-Helped Shiala with Feros colonists
-Met with Rachni messenger
-Fought for Patriarch
-Batarian bartender killed by turian
-Widow chosen as extra weapon on Collector Ship
-Conrad Verner quest in first game not complete, so he was no-show in second game
-Liara missions completed
-Chakwas', Engineers' and Gardner's side missions completed
-In Batarian missile mission, residential district saved
-Completed all Mass Effect 2 DLC as of 8/27/2010 (Other than alternative appearance).
-Romanced Miranda
-Saved everyone at the finale, including the crew

Mass Effect 2, Loyalty missions:

-All squadmates recruited and loyal
-Refinery in Zaeed Loyalty mission destroyed
-Tali not exiled. Quarians convinced to not go to war with Geth
-Kal-Reegar survived, Veetor left to go to Migrant fleet in game beginning
-Sidonis in Garrus' mission spared
-Thresher Maw in Grunt's mission killed
-Brainwashed Geth in Legion's mission
-Morinth killed, Samara alive in her loyalty mission
-Saved graybox in Kasumi mission
-Saved data in Mordin mission. Thaelon still alive

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-17 20:38:34
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Vanguard
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Ashley alive, romanced
Wrex alive
Original Council saved
Anderson on council
Saved Rachni


Liara's missions completed
Helped Conrad Verner
Rachni spokeswoman present
All N7 missions complete
N7 Lost Operative: Sent data to Alliance
All team members including Kasumi/Zaeed recruited, loyalty gained, survived suicide mission
Morinth killed
Sidonus lives
Kal'Reegar lives
Tali not exiled, used Paragon option
Convinced considering ceasefire with Geth
Kept Maelon's Genophage data
Rewrote Heretic Geth
Encouraged Zaeed to be more paragon, saved hostages
Released David, sent to Grissom Academy
Arrival: Attempted to warn Batarians

Name Ariel Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-19 11:53:27
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 25 Sentinel
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff:
-Saved Kaidan on Virmire
-Romanced Kaidan
-Saved the original Council, nominated Anderson for human Councilor

- Didn't do Liara's quests on Illium.
- Helped Conrad Verner.
- Spoke to the Rachni spokeswoman.
- Completed every N7 mission, scanned every planet in the galaxy.
- Sent "Lost Operative" data to the Alliance.

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Recruited all possible team members, including Zaeed and Kasumi
- Pretty sure I told Kasumi to keep the greybox data, but I'm not positive.
- Killed Morinth
- Garrus let Sidonis go.
- Kal'Reeger lived.
- Tali Was not exiled.
- Encouraged the quarians to consider a cease-fire.
- Told Mordin to keep the Genophage data and help the krogan
- Changed the Heretic Geth programming back to normal using the virus.
- Saved the hostages in Zaeed's loyalty mission.
- Released David in the Overlord DLC
- Tried to warn the batarians in Arrival DLC.

Omega 4 Relay:

-All loyalty missions completed, everyone survived including the entire crew.

Name Kyren Shepard
Date Added 2012-04-23 13:13:51
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Soldier
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
- Max Paragon (Non-Racist) /Some essential Renegade (to see characters and their help in the future)
- Completed all side quests including Minerals.writings,medallions,etc.

- Finished Bring Down the Sky (Lets Charn and Balak go for future encounter)
- Pinnacle Station installed (First on All Trials and Gained a new Apartment)

- Saved Ashley (assigned with the Salarians)
- Set up Kaidan with the bomb

- Helped Wrex with his complex on Virmire (He Lived)
- Saved the Council
- Let the Rachni queen go
- Pleased Conrad and returned back to Earth
- Helped Nassana Dantius on the Citadel then completed Asari Diplomacy
- Convinced Samesh to let the Alliance run tests on Narali's body (Armor expected in the future)
- Killed the biotic fanatics in Feros Zhu's Hope without any of the innocents die.

- Paragon choices with Dr. Saleon, Garrus was there (Garrus became a Paragon)
- Recommended Captain Anderson for the Council
- Recruited all party members

- Convinced the Hanar Prophet to preach in the Presidium
- Told Michael to respect Rebekah's wishes about her unborn child
- Lets Fist Live (expecting an Encounter in the future)
- Helped Emily Wong with both stories
- Interviewed by the Reporter and answered Paragonly
- Pleased Conrad and returned back to Earth
- Scanned all the keepers and gave the Data to Jahleed and Chorbin

- Convinced Chellick to cut Jenna loose and helped him with his case
- Helped Schell to cheat on the BlackJack Machines (expects help from him in the future)
- Convinced Keeler the Addict to get treatment for his addiction
- Did not support the Terra Firma party
- Told Cerberus about the info to the Shadow Broker (Expecting help in the future)
- Major Kyle surrendered peacefully
Corporal Toombs surrendered peacefully and the scientist was sentenced to life in prison after trial
- Rescued Chairman Burns and took the remaining biotics into custody without a fight
- Killed the biotic fanatics without any of the innocents die.
- Took the Consort's trinket to the Prothean ruin
- Recovered the lost module without killing any monkeys
- Recovered Wrex's family armor
- Gave Tali the copy of the Geth files

- Did Zhu's Hope sidequests, recovered Gavin Hossle's mod-design data, and neutralized all 16 colonists with Anti-Thorian Grenades
- Spared Shiala, the Thorian-engulfed Asari

- Helped take the pressure off the Salarian commandos
- Freed the captured commando and let the asari run for her life
- Helped Opold's with his package
- Convinced Lorik to testify to the - Noveria executive board
- Mixed a cure for the toxin-infected scientists
- Killed Liara's Mother (Liara was there)
- Admitted attraction to Liara but didn't pursue far enough to trigger the confrontation in the CIC
- Sexytime with Ashley
- Captain Anderson "convinced" Udina to release the Normandy to go to Ilos
- Charmed Saren into taking his own life

Note: I downloaded this me1 save file here.

Pure Paragon
Recruit and keep everyone including Kasumi and Zaeed.

_Tell Kasumi to keep the greybox
_Kill Morinth
_Let Sidonus go
_Kal'reegal survived, Tali was not exiled talk the admirals board down by Paragon options, convinced them not to go to war with the geth.
_Keep the Genophage cure and let Mealon go
_Rewrite the heretic Geth
_Save the hostages talk Zaeed down and still gain his loyalty
_Release David from project overlord
_Attempted to warn the batarians
_Updated everything in the ship ( will helps you a lot in ME3)
_Convinced Captain Bailey to let Thane's son do community services and convinced Captain Bailey to let the murder 10 years ago go
_Legion and Tali are on good terms ( helps a lot in ME3)
_Jack and Miranda well they are not really on good term with each other but I talked both of them down.
_Load and Load of credits and resources I think I have 9 medi gels

Omega 4 Relay:

- Everyone survived
- Pretty sure the entire crew survived, but somehow I cannot find Yeoman Chamber in the citadel in ME3, aside from her, and the chief you can find anyone in ME3

I have this all thanks to the guy who uploaded Kyren Shepard ME1 save file, all the credit go to him.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2012-04-26 01:36:06
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Infiltrator
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs Zaeed
Normandy Crash Site
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff:

- Romanced Liara, cheated with Miranda
- ASHLEY is alive
- WREX is alive
- Original Council with Anderson as Counselor

- Every side quest possible was completed as paragon and found all items, transfer was a level 60 with rich so had full benefits for transfer to ME2.

ME2 Stuff:

- Did you complete both of Liara's quests in Illum pre-Shadow Broker?
- Did you help Conrad Verner so he opened the Shelter, or were mean to him so he died?
- Was the Rachini Queen's Asarai spokeswoman present on Illium (ie are the Rachini still alive)?
- Did you do some, all or none of the N7 missions?
- In the N7: Lost Operative Quest did you keep the data, send it to the alliance or give it to The Illusive Man?

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Kal'Reegar survived
- Tali not exiled from the Floatilla
- Encourage the Quarians to consider cease fire
- Didn't have Overlord or Arrival

Omega 4 Relay:

I finished all the side quests in the game and did all the research except 1 shotgun and 1 Heavy weave. My Shepard has a full paragon bar with a little bit of renegade(seemed to always pick up 5 points at the end of every quest).

This save was uploaded by maharaj101, ENJOY!

Name fenixx Shepard
Date Added 2012-05-10 06:48:32
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Given to Cerberus
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Mass Effect 1:
-Romanced Ashley
-Saved Ashley
-Wrex is alive
-Original council saved
-Anderson is in the council
-Saved the Rachini Queen

Mass Effect 2:
-Did Liara's quests
-Helped Conrad Verner
-All side quests completed
-N7: Lost Operative Quest data given to

-All team members recruited including Kasumi and Zaeed
-Greybox was kept (Kasumi Loyalty)
-got Machine pistol (Kasumi Loyalty)
-Saved Samara (Samara Loyalty)
-Let Sidonus go (Garrus Loyalty)
-Kal'Reegar survived (Tali Recruitment)
-Tali is not exiled (Tali Loyalty)
-Told Quarians to not go to war
(Tali Loyalty)
-Genophage Cure kept (Mordin Loyalty)
-Rewrote the heretic Geth (Legion Loyalty)
-Saved the hostages and encouraged Zaeed to be more Paragon (Zaeed Loyalty)
-Released David (Overlord)
-Attempted to warn the Batarians (Arrival)

Omega 4 Relay:
-Everyone survived the Omega 4 Relay including the crew (Dr Chakwas,Gabby etc.)
-All Loyalty missions done, all Companions
are still alive

Appearance: Default Shepard
-All DLC downloaded (more weapons,armor,outfits..etc) except for Cerberus Weapon and Armor
-Collected all cabin items,sadly fish died
-Upgraded everything to the fullest
-Only talked Paragon throughout the game
-Explored everywhere possible

A truly perfect save :)

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2012-11-06 16:22:33
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff: (Please fill this out even if you imported a save from this site)
- If you did not import a ME1 save for this ME2 game, please indicate that first, but still answer the rest of the questions below. - Who, if anyone, did you romance in ME1? - If you romanced someone in ME2 that you "cheated on" in ME2, please indicate here, or indicate if you were "faithful"
- Is Kaidan or Ashley still alive?Ashley
- Is Wrex alive?Yes
- Is the Council the original Council from ME1 or the Human-council?Regular Council
- Is Anderson or Udina on the Council?Anderson
- Feel free to add more information about your ME1 import if you'd like.

Quests: If you didn't do some of these quests, please note that they were not completed.
- Did you complete both of Liara's quests in Illum pre-Shadow Broker? Yes
- Did you help Conrad Verner so he opened the Shelter, or were mean to him so he died? (If he was there at all.) Helped
- Was the Rachini Queen's Asarai spokeswoman present on Illium (ie are the Rachini still alive)? Yes
- Did you do some, all or none of the N7 missions? All
- In the N7: Lost Operative Quest did you keep the data, send it to the alliance or give it to The Illusive Man? Alliance

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Did you recruit & keep all team members (Including Zaeed and Kasumi)? If not, who was never recruited, or left early?
- (Kasumi Loyalty) Did you tell Kasumi to keep the greybox data or was it destroyed?
- (Samara Loyalty) Did you kill Morinth or Samara?
- (Garrus Loyalty) Did Garrus kill Sidonus or let him go?
- (Tali Recruitment) Did Kal'Reegar survive?
- (Tali Loyalty) was Tali exiled from the Floatilla?
- (Tali Loyalty) Did you encourage the Quarians to continue the war with the geth or consider cease fire? Cease Fire
- (Mordin Loyalty) What did you do with the Genophage Cure? Copy
- (Legion Loyalty) Did you kill or indoctrinate the heretic Geth? Indoc
- (Zaeed Loyalty) Did you save the hostages & encourage Zaeed to be more Paragon or let them die? Saved Hostages
- (Overlord) Did you release David or keep him hooked up? Helped him
- (Arrival) Did you attempt to warn the Batarians? Yes
Omega 4 Relay:
- Did you NOT do someone's loyalty quest, yet they survived? If so, who?
- Did all, some or none of your kidnapped Crew (Kelly, Gabby, Donnley etc.) survive the Omega 4 Relay? Please sum up who, if anyone lived/died. Everybody lived

Name Shepard Shepard
Date Added 2013-03-24 11:50:30
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Vanguard
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff:
No ME1 romance.
Saved Ashley.
Wrex is alive.
Original dumb Council's still alive (this better pay off in ME3).
Anderson is Councilor.

Completed both of Liara's quests.
Helped Conrad Verner (I think I got the Asari arrested).
Spoke to Rachni Queen's gopher.
Completed all N7 missions (saved the residential area in the Javelin missile one).

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions:
All teammates (Zaeed included) recruited.
All teammates loyal.
Morinth killed.
Sidonis lives (Harkin was kneecapped, though.)
Kal'Reegar survived.
Tali exonerated via speech.
Encouraged Quarians (including Zal'Koris vas Qwib-Qwib) to seek peace with Geth.
Saved Genophage cure data; Maelon survived.
Rewrote heretic Geth.
Let hostages die. The extra 10% damage for my Revenant was worth it.
Convinced Bailey to let Thane's son do community service.
Let Aresh live.

Omega 4 Relay:
All crew members survived.

Name Shepard Shepard
Date Added 2013-03-24 11:58:20
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Vanguard
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Mass Effect 1:
-Romanced Ashley
-Saved Ashley
-Wrex is alive
-Original council saved
-Anderson is in the council
-Saved the Rachini Queen

Mass Effect 2:
-Did Liara's quests
-Helped Conrad Verner
-All side quests completed
-N7: Lost Operative Quest data given to

-All team members recruited including Kasumi and Zaeed
-Greybox was kept (Kasumi Loyalty)
-got Machine pistol (Kasumi Loyalty)
-Saved Samara (Samara Loyalty)
-Let Sidonus go (Garrus Loyalty)
-Kal'Reegar survived (Tali Recruitment)
-Tali is not exiled (Tali Loyalty)
-Told Quarians to not go to war
(Tali Loyalty)
-Genophage Cure kept (Mordin Loyalty)
-Rewrote the heretic Geth (Legion Loyalty)
-Saved the hostages and encouraged Zaeed to be more Paragon (Zaeed Loyalty)
-Released David (Overlord)
-Attempted to warn the Batarians (Arrival)

Omega 4 Relay:
-Everyone survived the Omega 4 Relay including the crew (Dr Chakwas,Gabby etc.)
-All Loyalty missions done, all Companions
are still alive

Appearance: Default Shepard
-All DLC downloaded (more weapons,armor,outfits..etc) except for Cerberus Weapon and Armor
-Collected all cabin items,sadly fish died
-Upgraded everything to the fullest
-Only talked Paragon throughout the game
-Explored everywhere possible

A truly perfect save :)

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2013-04-14 20:17:16
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff:
No one romanced in ME1.
Kaidan survived Virmire.
The council was saved.
Anderson was appointed to the council.

Both of Liara's quests were completed.
Conrad Verner opened the Shelter.
The Rachni Queen's spokeswomen was present on Illium.
All of the N7 missions were completed.
In the N7: Operative Lost quest, the data was sent to the Alliance.

Recruitment/Loyalty Missions/DLC:
All team members were recruited, and all their loyalties gained and kept.
(Kasumi Loyalty) Kasumi kept the greybox data.
(Samara Loyalty) Morinth was killed.
(Garrus Loyalty) Sidonus was spared.
(Tali Recruitment) Kal'Reegar survived.
(Tali Loyalty) Tali was exonerated.
(Tali Loyalty) The cease fire was considered.
(Mordin Loyalty) The Genophage cure was saved.
(Legion Loyalty) The heretic Geth were indoctrinated.
(Zaeed Loyalty) The hostages were saved and Zaeed was encouraged to be more Paragon.
(Overlord) David was released and sent to Grissom Academy.
(Arrival) The Batarians were warned.

Omega 4 Relay:
All of the crew survived.

Name Damian Shepard
Date Added 2014-05-26 17:03:12
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Adept
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
- Did you complete both of Liara's quests in Illum pre-Shadow Broker?
- Did you help Conrad Verner so he opened the Shelter, or were mean to him so he died? (If he was there at all.)
- Was the Rachini Queen's Asarai spokeswoman present on Illium (ie are the Rachini still alive)?
- Did you do some, all or none of the N7 missions?
- In the N7: Lost Operative Quest did you keep the data, send it to the alliance or give it to The Illusive Man?

Name Dawgz Shepard
Date Added 2014-08-08 09:48:44
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Given to Cerberus
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
- Mass Effect 1
- Imported ME1 John Shepard 3 (found save on this website)
- Romanced Liara
- Ashley is dead
- Wrex is alive
- Council Saved
- Anderson Council
- Last Queen alive
Pretty much all the paragon outcome and a perfect save (thanks to ME1 save, didn't play it myself)

- Mass Effect 2
- All dlc installed/completed all paragon outcome
- All member alive and loyal
- Survived the Suicide Mission
- Kasumi Graybox kept (Kassumi Dlc)
- Samara Alive (Samara loyalty)
- Sidonis let live (Garrus loyalty)
- Tali is not exiled and Kal'Reegar alive (Tali loyalty)
- Encourage peace with the Geth/Quarian (Tali loyalty)
- Mordin kept cure and Maelon alive (Mordin loyalty)
- Heretics Indoctrinated (Legion loyalty)
- Encourage Zaed to be more Paragon (Zaed Dlc)
- Project Overload dismissed (Project Overload Dlc)
- Attempted to warn Batarian (Arrival Dlc)

All the crew is alived, Kelly and the rest... Did every single side quest. Helped Conrad, Helped everyone. This is in my opinion a perfect save to import for ME3.

Name Alireza Shepard
Date Added 2014-09-17 13:05:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff:

Romanced Ashley
Ashley Saved, Kaidan dead on Virmire
Wrex alive
Rachni Queen Saved
Original Council Saved
Anderson is on the Council
Both Pinnacle Station and Bring Down The Sky Copleted

ME2 Stuff:

Completed both Liara's quests on Illium
Helped Conrad Verner on Illium
Spoke with Rachni Queen's Asari on Illium
Did All of the N7 Mission's
On the N7: The Lost Operative sent the data to Alliance
Recruited all of the Squadmates
All of the Squadmates are alive
Kasumi: destroyed the Graybox
Samara: Killed the Morinth
Garrus: Let the Sidonus go
Tali: Kaal Reegar Survived
Tali: Did not exiled
Legion: Rewrite the Heretics
Zaeed: Saved the Hostages
Overlord: Released David
Arrival: Attemped warn the Batarians
No One Left Behind: All crew members saved
Kelly: Flirting with kelly, Convincing her to feed the fish
All of the talent points are reset and ready to spend again!
Bonus Power: Reave

Name Malcolm Shepard
Date Added 2015-06-15 13:35:04
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Adept
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Major ME1 stuff: /downloaded savefile from this site thanks so much/

- Shepard is rich

- Romanced Liara
- Saved Ashley
- Original Council alive
- Choosed Anderson
- Wrex is alive


- Completed all available quest in ME2 except Liara's quests before shadowbroker.
- Helped Conrad Verner (The Fan)
- Met Rachni Queen's Asarai spokeswoman on Illium.
- All available N7 mission completed. (Discovered all systems and scanned all planets)

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :

- All teammates recruited (including Kasumi and Zaeed)
- Kasumi: destroyed greybox
- Zaeed: Civilians saved, Vido escaped
- Samara: Killed Morinth
- Garrus: Killed Sidonis
- Tali: Kal'Reegar is alive
- Tali: Not exiled from the flotilla
- Mordin: Kept the genophage files
- Legion: Rewritten the Heretics base

All teammembers loyal

Omega 4 Relay:

- All teammates alive
- Normandy crew alive (including Chakwas, Kelly Chambers, Ken and Gabby)

Almost all paragon points, do some renegade because it is necessery
All achievement unlocked
Normandy fully upgraded

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2016-02-02 21:50:27
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 30 Sentinel
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Miranda
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
I was a bit of a completionist, but didn't do a New Game+ in ME1.


-Imported from ME1
-Ashley is still alive
-Wrex is alive
-still have original council
-Anderson is on the council
-Almost completely paragon, i only made like 2 renegade choices
-I initially romanced Ashley, but i cheated on her with Miranda in ME2 after Ash gave my Shep the cold shoulder.

-I recruited and kept all followers
-I completed both of Liara's pre-Shadow Broker quests.
-I told Kasumi to keep the greybox data
-I killed Morinth
-Garrus let Sidonus go
-Kal'reegar survived
-Tali wasn't exiled
- i didn't push toward any resolution with the geth that i know of, but if i did somehow, i probably pushed for peace.
-Mordin kept the genophage data
-I indoctrinated the Geth heretics
-I saved the hostages and got Zaeed to be more paragon
-I released David in Overlord
-I attempted to warn the Batarians

Omega 4 Relay
-I did everyones loyalty mission and all survived
-all of my crew members survived the kidnapping.

This is uploaded by Fosterchild05, mainly so i can play my PC save on my xbox

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