None | Ashley | Kaidan | Liara | Jack | Kelly | Miranda | Tali

Name Ian Shepard
Date Added 2010-04-21 15:59:54
Gender / AlignmentMale Mixed
Level / Class 30 Vanguard
Background Spacer / Ruthless
Romanced Tali
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties None
DLCs (Unknown)
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My 'canon' ME2 playthrough. Did every quest, acquired every upgrade and saved everyone.

Big decisions mostly Paragon, treatment of strangers mostly Renegade so generally mixed character. Visually both bars equally full but Samara doesn't tell me that she'll kill me once the oath has expired so I guess there's slightly more Paragon points.

Major ME1 choices:
- romanced Liara as Tali wasn't interested, moved on to Tali
- Ashley is dead
- Wrex alive and kicking
- Council saved, Anderson chosen for Councilor
- the Rachni are alive

ME2 quests and choices:
- did both Liara's quests
- told the Council to kiss my ass
- Conrad Verner opened his foundation
- helped Shiala/Zhu's Hope again
- all N7 missions done

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions:
- all members except for Zaeed (didn't like his face or abilities so didn't download him) were recruited and all loyalty missions completed (including Kasumi's)
- helped Samara kill Morinth
- helped Garrus kill Sidonis
- Veetor was given to the quarians, Kal'Reegar survived, Tali was acquitted and the Admirals encouraged to forget about the geth and focus on the Reapers
- made Mordin kill his student but keep the genophage data
- destroyed the geth heretics
- let Miranda kill her 'friend'
- Thane's son ended up working for Bailey
- ordered Jack to kill Aresh

Omega 4 Relay:
- everyone survived.

Name Jacob Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-15 11:35:20
Gender / AlignmentMale Mixed
Level / Class 30 Vanguard
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Tali
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
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Major ME1 stuff:
- Rachnii freed
- Wrex lives
- Kaidan died on Virmire
- Council saved
- Anderson is councilor
- Balak sent to prison
- romanced Ashley

ME2 stuff:
- Liara's quests done
- helped Conrad
- some N7 done, not all
- data keep to myself
- Kal'Reegar lives

Loyalty missions:
- Jacob - father killed by hunters
- Miranda - Niket killed by Miranda, talked to sister
- Jack - Aresh spared
- Zaeed - Vito escaped, Zaeed convicted
- Garrus - Harkin shot, Sidonis killed
- Tali - Kal'Reegar and Veetor did their job
- Mordin - Maelon lives, cure keeped
- Samara - Morinth killed
- Legion - heretics destroyed
- Kasumi - data saved
- Thane - Kolyat done social jobs
- Grunt - becoming Urdnot

Other stuff:
- Overlord - David sent to Academy
- Arrival - didn't warn the batarians
- the crew lives after suicide mission

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-19 13:23:37
Gender / AlignmentMale Mixed
Level / Class 30 Sentinel
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Tali
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
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ME1's save downloaded from this site:
Name John #18 Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-29 00:00:00
Gender / Alignment Male Paragon
Level / Class 60 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Ashley
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson

Full paragon bar, and about 1/3 of Renegade

Major ME1 Stuff: (If you didn't import a save, please just indicate that.)
- Romanced Ashley, cheated with Tali
- Ashley alive
- Wrex alive
- Original council
- Anderson picked for council

- Completed both Liara's quests
- Helped Conrad Verner, but don't know if he opened a shelter
- Queen's Asarai spokeswoman present on Illium
- Done all N7 missions
- In the N7: Lost Operative Quest the data given to The Illusive Man

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Everyone recruited
- Kasumi: kept greybox
- Samara: killed Morinth
- Garrus: killed Sidonis
- Tali: Kal'Reegar survived, Tali wasn't exiled from the Floatilla, encouraged the Quarians to consider cease fire
- Mordin: killed Maelon, data kept
- Legion: heretic Geth indoctrinated
- Zaeed: let hostages die
- Miranda: mercenary killed Niket, talked to sister
- Jack: let Aresh go
- Jacob: his father left on planet
- Grunt: he's Urdnot now, killed Uvenk
- Thane: his son doing community service
- Overlord: David stays with Cerberus
- Arrival: Tried to warn Batarians

Omega 4 Relay:
- Everybody loyal, everybody survived
- All crew saved

Got all upgrades, got all ships, got all fish, but they died :(

Uploaded by canbebetter

Name Maximillian Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-29 12:57:13
Gender / AlignmentMale Mixed
Level / Class 30 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / Ruthless
Romanced Tali
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
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Note: This is a cheat save. Due to lack of time before ME3 came out I ended up using cheat codes in ME1 and the Maxatv coalesced.ini mod in ME2, as well as a save editor in ME2 to give myself tons of resources. This may or may not affect things in ME3; however all decisions were made in-game and mods were just so that combat went by more quickly.

Choices were generally Paragon, though did use Renegade quite a few times, especially early on dealing with the Cerberus crew. Both gauges are full because cheats D:

Inadvertantly walked in to Romance dialogue with Jack after romancing Tali, so this may affect ME3.

ME1 Stuff:

-Started a romance with Ashley
-Broke up with Ashley using the Salarian "Dial a nuke" service on Virmire
-Saved Wrex on Virmire
-Saved Council
-Added Udina to Council
-Completed Bring Down the Sky DLC, allowed Batarians to escape.
-Saved Rachni
-Wrex killed Fist

ME2 Stuff:

-Completed both of Liara's Quests pre-Shadow Broker
-Helped Conrad, getting the "officer" arrested
-Spoke to Rachni Queen's rep
-Helped Parasini, told her what the mission really was
-Completed all N7 Missions
--In "Lost Operative", uploaded data to Alliance (generally, any way I could try to wreck Cerberus' plans, I did)
-Forced Batarian in Afterlife to have a drink
-Told Antos about the packages
-Recruited all Team Members
-Told Kasumi to keep greybox data
-Killed Morinth
-Let Garrus kill Sidonis, shoot Harkin
-Saved Kal'Reegar
-Tali not Exiled, used Charm
-Encouraged Quarians not to fight Geth. Ditto with Legion/Tali Argument
-Saved the Genophage data, allowed Mordin to kill friend
-Saved the Heretic Geth
-Saved hostages and Charmed Zaeed
-Released David in Overlord
-Attempted to warn Batarians in Arrival
-Everyone survived the suicide mission, crew included

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-10 01:45:29
Gender / AlignmentMale Mixed
Level / Class 30 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Tali
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
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My previous Mass Effect 1 save :
Name Jhon Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-17 04:02:45
Gender / Alignment Male Mixed
Level / Class 56
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced None
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Ambassador Udina

Additional Mass Effect 1 stuff:
- Rana Thanoptis alive.
- Fist dead.
- Pushed Garrus towards Spectr
- Shiala alive.

All companions allive and all dlc installed.

Mixed allignment 100% paragon 100% renegade

- FBA Couplings (Completed)
- Serrice Ice Brandy (Completed)
- Special Ingredients (Completed)
- Got all ship upgrades

- Archangel: Datapad Recovered (Gave datapad to Aria)
- Batarian Bartender (Completed)
- Packages for Ish (Gave him both packages)
- Struggling Quarian (Convinced Harrot to let Quarian go, paid for Quarians ticket)
- The Patriarch (Completed, Paragon option he lives)
- The Professor: Missing Assistant (Saved assistant and let baterians go)
- Saved sick batarian
- Convinced humans to stop looting and convinced the 2 hiding to go to the clinic
- Convinced the kid not to be a mercanary during garrus recruit mission

- Krogan Sushi (Told Krogan there's no fish in the lake)
- Found Forged ID (Gave the fake ID to the asari)
- Crime in Progress (Completed)
- Talked to reporter (Didn't punch her)

- A Troublemaker (Used paragon options, Asari got arrested and Conrad went home)
- Blue Rose of Illium (Convinced asari to go with the krogan)
- Gianna Parasini (Helped Gianna didn't betray her)
- Indentured Service (Convinced slaver to free the quarian)
- Medical Scans (Helped Shiala to convince the asari to help the people on feros)
- Salarian Family Data (Gave the salarian the data)
- Smuggling Evidence (Gave the evidence to the detective)
- Stolen Goods Found (Completed)
- Killed the Eclipse asari
- Lost Locket Found (Gave locket to the asari)
- Freed the salarians during Thane recruitment

- Combustion Manifold (Completed)
- Killing Pyjaks (Completed)
- Old Blood: Missing Scout (Convinced scout to go back to Urdnot camp)

- Abandoned Mine (Completed)
- Abandoned Research Station (Completed)
- Anomalous Weather Detected (Completed)
- Archeological Dig Site (Completed)
- MSV Strontium Mule (Completed)
- Blue Suns Base (Completed)
- Javelin Missiles Launched (Saved industrial district so colony can be rebuilt)
- Blood Pack Base (Completed)
- Blood Pack Communications Relay (Completed)
- Captured Mining Facility (Completed)
- Eclipse Smuggling Depot (Completed)
- Endangered Research Station (Completed)
- Endangered Research Station (Completed)
- Imminent Ship Crash (Completed)
- Lost Operative (Gave data to alliance)
- Mining the Canyon (Completed)
- MSV Estevanico (Completed)
- Quarian Crash Site (Completed)
- Wrecked Merchant Freighter (Completed)

- Normandy Crash Site (Completed)
- Project Firewalker: Geth Incursion (Completed)
- Project Firewalker: Prothean Site (Completed)
- Project Firewalker: Rosalie Lost (Completed)
- Project Firewalker: Survey Sites Located (Completed)
- Project Firewalker: Volcano Station (Completed)
- Project Overlord (Archer's brother went to an alliance facility)
- Arrival (Completed, warned batarians)

Companion loyalty:
- Garrus (Killed Sidonus, let him shoot harkin in the knee)
- Grunt (Completed)
- Jack (Completed, convinced jack to let the guy go)
- Jacob (Completed, left his father for the alliance)
- Legion (Didn't give him to cerberus, destroyed the Heretics)
- Miranda (Completed, didn't shoot her friend and she talked to her sister)
- Mordin (Didn't kill his old comrade and kept the genophage data)
- Samara (Completed, killed morinth)
- Tali (Completed, Tali not exiled and quarians encoureged to go to war)
- Thane (Completed, Sheperd killed the turian so thanes son wasn't charged and convinced bailey to let him do comunity service)
- Zaeed (Completed, let hosteges die to kill vido)
- Kasumi (Completed, told her to keep the data)

Name Kris Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-16 13:38:05
Gender / AlignmentMale Mixed
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Tali
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Legion
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
- Is Kaidan or Ashley still alive? Ashley
- Is Wrex alive? Yes
- Is the Council the original Council from ME1 or the Human-council? Human
- Is Anderson or Udina on the Council? Anderson
- Feel free to add more information about your ME1 import if you'd like.
Bring down the sky was used before the codes complelty vanished from civilisation for it to work.

Quests: If you didn't do some of these quests, please note that they were not completed.
- Did you complete both of Liara's quests in Illum pre-Shadow Broker? yes
- Did you help Conrad Verner so he opened the Shelter, or were mean to him so he died? (If he was there at all.) Shleter
- Was the Rachini Queen's Asarai spokeswoman present on Illium (ie are the Rachini still alive)? Alive and well
- Did you do some, all or none of the N7 missions? ALL
- In the N7: Lost Operative Quest did you keep the data, send it to the alliance or give it to The Illusive Man? i don't know its been a while. Probably alliance

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Did you recruit & keep all team members (Including Zaeed and Kasumi)? If not, who was never recruited, or left early? everyone recruited
- (Kasumi Loyalty) Did you tell Kasumi to keep the greybox data or was it destroyed? keep
- (Samara Loyalty) Did you kill Morinth or Samara? killed morinth
- (Garrus Loyalty) Did Garrus kill Sidonus or let him go? Kill
- (Tali Recruitment) Did Kal'Reegar survive? Yes
- (Tali Loyalty) was Tali exiled from the Floatilla? No
- (Tali Loyalty) Did you encourage the Quarians to continue the war with the geth or consider cease fire? peace
- (Mordin Loyalty) What did you do with the Genophage Cure? mordin kept it
- (Legion Loyalty) Did you kill or indoctrinate the heretic Geth? convert
- (Zaeed Loyalty) Did you save the hostages & encourage Zaeed to be more Paragon or let them die? they died
- (Overlord) Did you release David or keep him hooked up? hooked
- (Arrival) Did you attempt to warn the Batarians? yes

Name Bruce Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-16 21:45:15
Gender / AlignmentMale Mixed
Level / Class 30 Vanguard
Background Colonist / Ruthless
Romanced Tali
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Saved Rachni queen
No Romance
Kaidan Survived Virmire
Wrex survived virmire
Council was saved
Anderson is on the council

Recruited all team mates (Zaeed and Kasumi)
Killed Morinth
Kasumi destroyed the grey box
Sidonis was killed by Garrus
Kal'Reegar survived
Tali was not exiled
Destroyed Maelons research data
Indoctrinated the heretic geth
Let the hostages die on Zaeeds loyalty mission
Overlord : David was sent to grissom academy
Arrival : Attempted to warn batarians
Shadow Broker : Liara is the new shadow broker
All Normandy crew survived Omega 4 relay.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2012-04-09 22:25:10
Gender / AlignmentMale Mixed
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Tali
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File


General Information :

This playthrough is almost full Paragon except from some Renegade choices here and there. The Paragon bar is full and the Renegade bar is half full.

- Completed both of Liara's quests on Illum before startig the Shadow Broker Quest from the DLC.
- Even though I treated Conrad Verner nicely in Mass Effect 1, I didn't encounter him at all in Mass effect 2, don't know what went wrong.
- The Rachni Queen's Asari representative is alive, and met me on Illum.
- I did a couple of the N7 missions, but not all of them.
- In the N7: Lost Operative Quest I kept the data.
- I did all of the side quests I think. (Except from some N7 missions).
- Healed Shepard's scars via the med bay.
- I romanced both Tali and Liara.

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :

- I recruited and kept all potential party members. And, they're all loyal, even Miranda.

- (Jack Loyalty)
I convinced Jack to let Aresh live.

- (Jacob Loyalty)
After learning what his father did to those people, Jacob and I left him on that planet and went on with our business. The colonists beat him to death.

- (Miranda Loyalty)
Encouraged Miranda to go talk to her sister. Miranda told her everything and now they keep in touch.

- (Thane Loyalty)
Saved Kolyat and got Bailey to get him out of jail and make him do some community service isntead. Kolyat is now helping out Bailey at C-Sec while keeping in touch with Thane. Kolyat's Turian target is alive.

- (Kasumi Loyalty)
I told Kasumi that she could keep the greybox, so she didn't destroy it.

- (Samara Loyalty)
Killed Morinth.

- (Garrus Loyalty)
Garrus shot Sidonis in the head.

- (Tali Recruitment)
Kal Reegar made it out alive.

- (Tali Loyalty)
Tali wasn't exiled from the flotilla thanks to my awesome Paragon speech! Also, I didn't encourage the Quarians to continue the war with the geth, but I didn't encourage them to consider cease fire either. I just grabbed Tali and left.

- (Mordin Loyalty)
I told Mordin to keep the genophage cure and he did. It's somewhere in his lab.

- (Legion Loyalty)
Killed all of the heretic Geth.

- (Zaeed Loyalty)
I saved the hostages and encouraged Zaeed to be more of a Paragon.

- (Grunt Loyalty)
Grunt refused to join the Krogan that asked him to join his clan right after we completed the Rite. Said Krogan got mad and attacked us, so we had to kill him. Grunt is now with Wrex's clan, Urdnot.

- (Overlord)
I released David, (Archer's autistic brother) and arranged for him to get someplace safe, away from Cerberus.

- (Arrival)
I attempted to warn the batarians.

Omega 4 Relay:
- Did all of the loyalty quests, and updated the Normandy to the max, so everybody made it out of the Collector base alive. Even the non-important characters like Chakwas, Kelly, the Chef etc.

~ Mass Effect 1 stuff ~

- Romanced Liara.
- Wrex shot fist.
- Let Shiala live. (The Asari that was captured by the Thorian).
- Treated Conrad Verner nicely. (Paragon).
- Completed the "UNC: Asari Diplomacy" Quest.
- Ashley is alive, Kaidan got killed on Virmire.
- Wrex is alive and kickin'.
- Spared the Rachni Queen.
- Saved the Council.
- Anderson is the human Councilor
- ME1 playthrough was almost full Paragon with some Renegade choices, just like the ME2 playthrough.

-This save was uploaded by SiCk-SnAke

Name German Shepard
Date Added 2012-04-12 19:54:06
Gender / AlignmentMale Mixed
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Tali
Collector Base Given to Cerberus
Casualties Jacob
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff:
- Romanced nobody
- Ashley survived
- Wrex is alive
- Original council
- Anderson on Council

- Completed both of Liara's quests Pre-LotSB
- Helped Conrad Verner
- Spoke to the rachni queen's asari spokesperson on Illium
- Did some of the N7 missions
- Gave data in N7: Lost Operative Quest to The Illusive Man

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :
- Recruited and kept all party members
- Allowed Kasumi to keep the greybox
- Killed Morinth
- Convinced Garrus to let Sidonis go
- Kal'Reegar survived
- Tali was not exiled from the flotilla
- Did not encourage quarians to take either action
- Saved Genophage cure
- Indoctrinated the heretic geth
- Saved the hostages and encouraged Zaeed to be more Paragon
- Did not do Overlord or Arrival

Omega 4 Relay:
- Jack and Jacob died: all crew survived.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2012-07-25 17:52:50
Gender / AlignmentMale Mixed
Level / Class 30 Soldier
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Tali
Collector Base Given to Cerberus
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Major ME1 Stuff:

- Who, if anyone, did you romance in ME1? - If you romanced someone in ME2 that you "cheated on" in ME2, please indicate here, or indicate if you were "faithful"
Liara not faithful

- Is Kaidan or Ashley still alive?

- Is Wrex alive?
- Is the Council the original Council from ME1 or the Human-council?
- Is Anderson or Udina on the Council?

- Feel free to add more information about your ME1 import if you'd like.
No DLCs, all side missions done, paragon with a bit of renegade. (due to hasty spacebaring) played twice lvl 40-50


- Did you complete both of Liara's quests in Illum pre-Shadow Broker?

- Did you help Conrad Verner so he opened the Shelter, or were mean to him so he died? (If he was there at all.)
Helped him

- Was the Rachini Queen's Asarai spokeswoman present on Illium (ie are the Rachini still alive)?
Rachni queen still alive.
- Did you do some, all or none of the N7 missions?
If I am correct I did them all, I surveyed every star cluster. no more missions.

- In the N7: Lost Operative Quest did you keep the data, send it to the alliance or give it to The Illusive Man?

Recruitment / Loyalty Missions / DLC :

- Did you recruit & keep all team members (Including Zaeed and Kasumi)? If not, who was never recruited, or left early?

- (Kasumi Loyalty) Did you tell Kasumi to keep the greybox data or was it destroyed?
told her to keep it.

- (Samara Loyalty) Did you kill Morinth or Samara?

- (Garrus Loyalty) Did Garrus kill Sidonus or let him go?
Killed Sidonus

- (Tali Recruitment) Did Kal'Reegar survive?

- (Tali Loyalty) was Tali exiled from the Floatilla?

- (Tali Loyalty) Did you encourage the Quarians to continue the war with the geth or consider cease fire?
Cease fire.

- (Mordin Loyalty) What did you do with the Genophage Cure?
kept it.

- (Legion Loyalty) Did you kill or indoctrinate the heretic Geth?
Indoctrinated the heretic Geth

- (Zaeed Loyalty) Did you save the hostages & encourage Zaeed to be more Paragon or let them die?
Let them die

- (Overlord) Did you release David or keep him hooked up?
Release David

- (Arrival) Did you attempt to warn the Batarians?
Didn't play this one.

Omega 4 Relay:

- Did you NOT do someone's loyalty quest, yet they survived? If so, who?
I did the loyalty quest for Jack, however, I lost her loyalty during the scene with her and Miranda.

- Did all, some or none of your kidnapped Crew (Kelly, Gabby, Donnley etc.) survive the Omega 4 Relay? Please sum up who, if anyone lived/died.
all Lived.

Name Hone Shepard
Date Added 2013-01-10 14:58:18
Gender / AlignmentMale Mixed
Level / Class 30 Sentinel
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Tali
Collector Base Given to Cerberus
Casualties None
DLCs Zaeed
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
Romanced Ashley who is still alive.
Wrex is alive.
Council is original.
Andeson is on the council.

Rachni Alive
Liara took out the Observer
Helped Conrad Verner
Did all N7 missions
Kept the data

Recruited and kept everyone except Kasumi (didnt download)
killed Samara
Killed Sidonus
Kal'Reegar survived
Didnt encourage quarians either way (said Tali's part of my crew)However did take legion, and had him talk to them! Ridiculously Hilarious!
Tali wasn't exiled (used "rally the crowd")
Kept the genophage cure
Indoctrinated heretics
Saved hostages

Honestly cant remember weather I attempted to warn the baterians or not, didnt think it was important as I got blocked. THINK I attempted to warn them.

Did all loyalty quests
All crew survived.

Uploaded by Hone/Jafroboy

Link to pic:

Name Marc Shepard
Date Added 2013-04-11 20:44:54
Gender / AlignmentMale Mixed
Level / Class 30 Sentinel
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Tali
Collector Base Destroyed
Casualties Kasumi
DLCs Kasumi
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the Shadow Broker
Download Save File
A Renegade Shepard that mostly made paragon choices, Renegade full, Paragon almost as well.
Ashley alive.
Wrex alive.
Rachni Queen Alive.
Everyone on Feros alive.
Liara recruited after Virmire.
Rana Thanoptis dead.
Ashley romanced.
Keepers Scanned.
Jenna mission completed and Conrad Verner persuaded.
Did not punch the reporter.
Bring Down the Sky - Balak escaped.
Garrus, Wrex and Tali all helped.
Found all medalions, wiritngs insignias and materials.
Has Elkos Combine License. (For Conrad Verner in ME3)
Council Survived.
Udina on the Council.

Zaeed - Workers saved.
Kasumi - Kept the Greybox.
Tali - Exiled.
Miranda - Met her sister.
Jacob - Left his father to the rebels.
Legion - Destroyed the base.
Mordin - Kept the data.
Grunt - Killed the Thresher Maw.
Jack - Spared Aresh.
Garrus - Sidonis is dead.
Samara - Morinth is dead.
Thane - Joram Talid was killed by Shepard and Kolyat works for Bailey.
Missions for Liara on Illium manually completed.
Helped Conrad Verner.
Helped Parasini and Shiala on Illium as well.
Rachni spokesperson present.
Kelly was invited to cabin and helped with Shepards Fish.
Miranda was kissed.
Jack was Renegade "romanced."
Tali was Romanced.
Collector Base was Destroyed.
Everyone survived.
Shadow Broker DLC Completed.
Arrival - Did not warn the Batarians.

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